Dialogue Between the State and Civil Society on Human Rights in Tajikistan

Dushanbe, 18 October – A dialogue between government institutions and civil society on the protection and promotion of human rights will be held in the capital of Tajikistan. The event is organised by the NGO “The World of Law” and the Dutch foundation “Perspectivity Challenge”, with financial support from the European Union and the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI), within the framework of projects on human rights promotion and protection. 

The dialogue is being held in cooperation with the Executive Office of the President of Tajikistan, the Ombudsman’s Office, and the Regional Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights for Central Asia. Representatives of key government bodies, national civil society organisations, international experts, and partners, including representatives of the United Nations and the European Union, will take part in the event. 

The aim of the event is to create a platform for constructive engagement on key human rights issues, such as the prevention of torture, the protection of the rights of vulnerable groups, and the adherence to international standards. It is expected that the dialogue will make a long-term contribution to improving the human rights situation in Tajikistan.

For further information, please contact Anel Tleukesh, Communications manager, at communications.manager.pr@worldlawtj.org

NGO "The world of law"