Sabohat Hakimzoda, Public Association “Associaitions of parents of children with disabilities”: “Lessons of kindness”.

“After communication with parents who have children with disabilities, I have concluded that it is necessary to create a center where parents of children with disabilities can receive consultations on social matters and psychological support. It is the i unawareness of such parents of the Tajik regulatory and legal framework regarding the rights and interests of disabled children that leads to lack ofthe children’s socialisation , and their exclusion from resulting in their consumption-oriented views and  lifestyle. To change this situation, our organization, in partnership with the national coalition of public organizations of parents of disabled children, publishes newsletters, brochures to  highlight the legislative framework in the field of disability, conducts advocacy campaigns (talk shows, telethons,so called “lessons of kindness" in schools, etc.) through which the public learns about the lives of children with disabilities, their rights in all spheres of life, and it positively changes its attitude to such children. IN their turn,  children as well as their parents gain self-confidence and empower in such a manner”.