Training on strengthening dialogue between the state and civil society through the development of a data collection system


On 14-15 October, two one-day training sessions were held for civil society on strengthening dialogue between the State and Civil Society through the development of a data collection system. Around 40 civil society representatives took part. In 2024, which has been declared the 'Year of Legal Awareness' in Tajikistan, these training sessions contributed significantly to raising legal awareness in the field of human rights. 

Building the capacity of civil society in the human rights data collection system is crucial given the existing challenges. Government bodies often do not trust or accept data from civil society representatives, and there are significant discrepancies in the statistics provided by government agencies and civil society. To promote human rights effectively, a transparent and sustainable data collection system is essential. 

“Human rights defenders and civil society often face the lack of a unified data collection system and discrepancies in the data. The availability and transparency of any data related to human rights will strengthen the protection and promotion of human rights in Tajikistan. We hope that this training will be the first step towards creating such a system and will generally strengthen efforts to advance and protect human rights,” said Gulchehra Kholmatova, Director of the public organisation “The World of Law”, in her welcoming speech. 

The event was held as part of the projects “Path to Justice: Strengthening Human Rights through Torture Prevention and Penitentiary System Reform”, funded by the European Union, and “Promoting Human Rights and Accountability in Tajikistan's Detention Facilities gender-sensitive: Research, Dialogue, and Advocacy”, funded by the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI). These programmes are implemented by the public organisation "The World of Law" in partnership with the Dutch foundation “Perspectivity Challenge”.

For further information, please contact Anel Tleukesh, Communications Manager, at