Public organization "Otifa"

1. When and where was the organization registered?

The public organization "Otifa" was registered on November 15, 2017 with the Department of Justice of the Sughd region.

2. Purpose? (Mission?)

Promoting the social, economic, cultural, environmental and social well-being of the population, especially youth.

3. Areas of activity.

  • Protecting and promoting the rights of women and girls.
  • Protection and promotion of the rights of women who have served sentences, who have had experience of criminal liability, and people from a vulnerable group of the population.
  • Promoting access to education for people from vulnerable groups.

4. Contact information:

a) Address: Khujand city, A. Lokhuti street 2

b) Telephone: +992 92 7282816

c) E-mail:

d) Website: