Freedom from Torture
Civil Society Coalition against Torture and impunity in Tajikistan
Monitoring[1]: CCTV cameras installed in all military units
It should be noted that the monitoring of the implementation progress of the National Action Plan to implement the recommendations of the UN Committee against Torture for 2019-2022 in the interval of 2019-2020 was prepared by the Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Civil Society Coalition against Torture and Impunity in Tajikistan. Its objective is to guide the implementation of legislation and law enforcement practices and freedom from torture, based on international standards of the right to freedom from torture.
According to the monitoring report to implement subparagraphs 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6 of paragraph 19 of the plan, the Concept of political and educational work in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Tajikistan was approved by the Decree of the President dated February 20, 2015. Based on this concept, the Ministry of Defense developed a methodological guide on eradicating hazing, suicide and war crimes in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Tajikistan and an instruction on strengthening military discipline, order and lawfulness in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Tajikistan. These documents provide procedures, responsibilities, and ways of countering torture, investigating and documenting the causes contributing to ill-treatment in the army, and ways of strengthening military discipline. In addition, as per the decree of the Security Council of the Republic of Tajikistan, surveillance cameras have been installed in all military units of the armed forces since 2012. Based on orders from the General Prosecutor of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Chief Military Prosecutor of the Republic of Tajikistan, all military units are provided with telephone hotlines and boxes for complaints and appeals. In addition, detailed action plans for cooperation with the security services are developed and approved annually by the management of the military prosecutor's office to detect and prevent cases of torture, violations of the governing relations among military personnel where there is no chain of command among them and abuse of authority by military commanders which have resulted in harm to the health of military personnel.
- Prosecutorial staff conduct biannual training sessions with military investigators on detecting, preventing and investigating war crimes, including violations of the rules governing relations among military personnel where there is no chain of command between them and excesses of authority on the part of officers, warrant officers and sergeants that resulted in harm to the health of military personnel. In addition, a permanent working group was created from the staff of the prosecutor's office with the involvement of forensic medical specialists who regularly inspect the bodies of military service members for bodily injuries, according to the report.
Monitoring the implementation of “National Plan for the implementation of the recommendations of the UN Committee against Torture for 2019-2022” in the interval of 2019-2020 has been prepared jointly by the Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Civil Society Coalition Against Torture and Impunity in Tajikistan.
How can the situation be improved? The only recommendation is - DO NOT KEEP SILENT!
Victims and their relatives - not to tolerate violence and inhuman treatment, make such cases public to protect their dignity.
Journalists and human rights defenders (CS) - provide professional assistance to victims, talk about problems.
The state – impose a total ban on torture and the obligation to monitor and punish the perpetrators.
The material was prepared with the support of OSIAF HRI, the Sigrid Rausing Foundation and the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights.
The opinions expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the views of OSIAF HRI, the Sigrid Rausing Trust and the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights.
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[1] As part of the activity “I am for the Elimination of Torture!” on the occasion of the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture.