Monitoring: prevention of domestic violence is strengthened

Monitoring[1]: prevention of domestic violence is strengthened

It should be noted that the monitoring of the implementation progress of the National Action Plan to implement the recommendations of the UN Committee against Torture for 2019-2022 in the interval of 2019-2020 was prepared by the Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Civil Society Coalition against Torture and Impunity in Tajikistan. Its objective is to guide the implementation of legislation and law enforcement practices and freedom from torture, based on international standards of the right to freedom from torture.

According to the monitoring report on the implementation of subparagraphs 2 and 3, paragraph 20 of the plan, the Committee on Women and Family Affairs reports that, in cooperation with the NGO Eurasia Foundation-Tajikistan, a resource centre for gender issues and the prevention of domestic violence operates within the Committee, which provides citizens with free psychological and legal assistance daily. At the beginning of the spread of coronavirus infection (COVID-19), this centre provided round-the-clock service. 1,913 citizens contacted the center in 2020 (2019 - 1,637), including 403 (2019 - 396) for physical violence, 1,320 (2019 - 901) for economic violence, 1,383 (2019 - 1,238) for psychological violence, and 16 (2019 - 18) for sexual violence. At the same time, 9,172 (2019 - 1,317) citizens, of whom 6,683 (2019 - 6,253) were women and 2,489 (2019 - 2,940) were men, approached the information and counselling centres of the departments, divisions and sectors for women and family affairs of the executive authorities in GBAO, regions, Dushanbe city and other cities and districts in 2020.

- In 2019, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of Population and the Family Violence Prevention Project (PDV), the Istiklol Medical Complex organized a rehabilitation room for victims of family violence. In the provision of psychological and legal assistance, the prevention of inappropriate actions, particularly the elimination of factors of domestic violence, under the departments, divisions and sections for women and family affairs of local executive bodies in the regions, cities and districts, information and advisory centres in place, in which lawyers and psychologists provide free legal and psychological assistance to citizens. Also, only in 2020, the committee carried out awareness work and information campaigns among the local population, in particular, at the level of village and rural jamoats 70 talks and meetings, 10 seminars and meetings, 20 mass cultural and educational events and 25 television programs on preventing domestic violence, - states the report.

Monitoring the implementation of “National Plan for the implementation of the recommendations of the UN Committee against Torture for 2019-2022” in the interval of 2019-2020 has been prepared jointly by the Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Civil Society Coalition Against Torture and Impunity in Tajikistan.

How can the situation be improved? The only recommendation is - DO NOT KEEP SILENT!

Victims and their relatives - not to tolerate violence and inhuman treatment, make such cases public to protect their dignity.

Journalists and human rights defenders (CS) - provide professional assistance to victims, talk about problems.

The stateimpose a total ban on torture and the obligation to monitor and punish the perpetrators.

The material was prepared with the support of OSIAF HRI, the Sigrid Rausing Foundation and the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights.

The opinions expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the views of OSIAF HRI, the Sigrid Rausing Trust and the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights.

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[1] As part of the activity “I am for the Elimination of Torture!” on the occasion of the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture.
