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On Tuesday October 9 Umed Boboyev, Adviser to the President for Legal Policy, received relatives of Hamza Ikromzoda, who died in a penal colony in Dushanbe in mid-September. Dilkhoh Ikromzoda, the sister of Hamza, says Boboyev has promised to control the process of investigation into Hamza’s death. According to her, their father – Fayzali Ikromov – wrote a letter to President Emomali Rahmon...

09.10.2012 - 15:55

Amnesty International has urged Tajik President Emomali Rahmon to take measures against widespread torture and other ill-treatment in Tajikistan's pretrial detention facilities.  In a statement issued on October 5, Rahmon's 60th birthday, the London-based rights watchdog said it sought to remind people about the plight of many victims of torture, "some of whom did not survive to celebrate...

09.10.2012 - 12:18

President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon is celebrating his 60th birthday and State Language Day on 5 October and celebrations by governmental bodies and organisations are expected nationwide today. Amnesty International would like to remind people about the plight of many victims of torture – some of whom did not survive to celebrate their 30th birthday or who spend their birthdays behind bars...

05.10.2012 - 15:26

NoTorture Tj · Амир Икромов: "Убийцы моего брата должны предстать перед судом"  

02.10.2012 - 21:54

Tajik human rights organizations have urged the government to thoroughly investigate the recent death of a convict.  Relatives of Hamza Ikromzoda, who died in a detention center in Dushanbe in mid-September, say his body carried traces of torture, including burns caused by a heated iron. Ikromzoda’s relatives on October 1 handed the Prosecutor-General’s Office a statement by eight...

02.10.2012 - 18:34

Izzatullo Sharifov, the chief of the Department for Correctional Works at the Ministry of Justice, has promised to fire the head of penal colony YaS No 3/1 irrespective of the results of the forensic medical examination. We will recall that inmate of penal colony YaS No 3/1 – 27-year-old Hamza Ikromzoda – died in Dushanbe’s penal colony YaS No 3/1 on September 20.  Ikromzoda’s body was...

30.09.2012 - 10:15

The Prosecutor-General’s Office has promised to thoroughly investigate the death of Hamza Ikromzoda, who died in a penal colony. “We will launch a thorough investigation into the death of Hamza Ikromzoda and those guilty will be brought to justice,” Rahmatullo Kholov, a prosecutor form the Directorate for Overseeing Correctional Facilities, Prosecutor-General’s Office said on September 29...

29.09.2012 - 19:59

A coalition of non-governmental organizations against torture in Tajikistan expresses its grave concern over the death of 27-year old Hamzali Ikromov, who died on September 20, 2012 in the prison of Dushanbe, where he was serving a sentence for previous offense. "According to the relatives of the deceased, the body of Ikramov has visible traces of various injuries, including severe burns in...

27.09.2012 - 16:47

The Department for Correctional Works at the Ministry of Justice has commented on the death of the 27-year-old inmate Hamza Ikromzoda. Bahrom Abdulhaqov, the deputy head of the Department for Correctional Works, says Ikromzoda had been held in the penalty isolation ward of penal colony YaS No 3/1. Earlier some media sources reported that Ikromzoda had been held in the central detention...

25.09.2012 - 18:42

Relatives of an inmate who died this week in the central detention center in Dushanbe claim that 27-year-old Hamza Ikromzoda was tortured.  Ikromzoda's body was handed to his relatives on September 21. The relatives say the body carries traces of torture, including burns caused by a heated iron. The detention center's officials did not explain the cause of Ikromzoda's death, while...

22.09.2012 - 12:00
