What day is marked on June 26?

From June 22 to June 25, within the framework of the campaign on the occasion of the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, members of YIG – SDG (Youth Initiative Group – Sustainable Development Goals) Tajikistan under the Public Organization, Independent Center for Human Rights Protection, a member of the Civil Society Coalition Against Torture and Impunity in Tajikistan, conducted a campaign among the country’s youth to mark International Day in Support of Victims of Torture.

Questions were targeted at the young audience. When a participant correctly answered several questions or was close to the correct answer, he/she received a T-shirt with the logo of the Coalition Against Torture and Impunity in Tajikistan as a memorable gift.

The main goal of the campaign was to inform the youth on what day is marked on June 26, which regulatory acts define the «torture» and prohibit the use of torture, which organizations in our country are involved in the issues of torture and ill-treatment.

 As a result, 31 people took part in the campaign, who received T-shirts (31 pieces) and the participants were very interested in gaining new information for themselves.
