Over 60 people have joined the training marathon on human rights

As part of a 30-day campaign under the slogan “Rights! Dignity! Development!” to commemorate World Human Rights Day, the Coalition of Civil Society against Torture and Impunity in Tajikistan on November 23- 25, 2020 held a training marathon on human rights.

Over 60 people have participated in the event, which was held in Parking Cafe with due regard to precautionary measures in the light of COVID-19.

Participants were given a brief history on human rights, shown a film about the emergence of human rights and the Bill of Human Rights, followed by the discussion of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Constitution principles, international standards on the right to adequate housing together with mentors.

At the end of the event, a quiz was held on the Kahoot platform, the most active participants received prizes: iron (Maxwell MW – 3056 B -1 pc.) and hairdryer (Gorenje Hair Druer HD 122B hairdryer - 92 pcs.)

The event was made possible by the financial support of UNDP “Rule of law and access to justice” project.
