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The Khatlon prosecutor’s office has completed investigation into the case of Nusrat Yodgorov, an officer with the Interior Ministry’s office in Sarband, and the case has already moved to the Sarband city court. Muzaffar Yusupov, an official with the Khatlon prosecutor’s office, says Yodgorov is charged with torturing and ill-treating Jourabek Sattorov, who was detained on suspicion of stealing...

11.07.2013 - 17:26

On the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, Amnesty International and its partners are launching series of exhibitions that will take place in the cities across the world throughout the summer 2013.  Amnesty International is proud to join NGOs in the Central Asia region in showing their support for the individuals and families portrayed in these exhibitions which will start...

26.06.2013 - 19:30

Tajikistan’s Bureau on Human Rights and Rule of Law (BHR) has conducted an action “Let’s Say No to Torture!” under support of Amnesty International (AI). The action was conducted on June 25, on the eve of International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, which is marked on June 26. An exhibition telling nine photo stories has been organized within the framework of the action. These...

25.06.2013 - 14:27

A court in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) will consider an appeal regarding the extradition of the leader of Tajik opposition Group 24, Umarali Quvvatov, to Tajikistan on August 18. We will recall that the Dubai court authorized the extradition of Umarali Quvvatov to Tajikistan on April 14. The Tajik authorities insist on extradition of Umarali Quvvatov.  Tajik Prosecutor-General,...

31.05.2013 - 08:34

Prison warden Mahmoud Ismoilov, who stood trial over the death of prison inmate Hamza Ikromzoda, has got a jail term of five years and six months. A court in Dushanbe’s Ismoili Somoni district sentenced the prison warden Mahmoud Ismoilov to 5½ years in prison on May 29.  The sentence followed his conviction on charges of exceeding powers (Article 316 (3) of Tajikistan’s Penal Code)....

29.05.2013 - 18:51

On May 23, the international rights group, Amnesty International (AI), published its annual report, The Sate of the World’s Human Rights, for 2012. AI has documented abuses in 159 countries and territories that it says were inflicted by those in power on those who stand in the way of their vested interests. Amnesty International notes torture and other ill-treatment remained widespread and...

24.05.2013 - 17:53

Across the former Soviet Union, entrepreneurs may be skilled in the art of making money, but they soon find themselves out of their depth when it comes to the business of politics. The poster boy for the inadvisability of trying to make the cross-over from business to politics is, of course, Mikhail Khordokovsky, the one-time Russian oil magnate who has been imprisoned since 2005. There is...

24.05.2013 - 11:21

The lower house (Majlisi Namoyandagon) has endorsed the bill requiring amendments to the country’s law on bodies of the public prosecution service. A regular sitting of the fourth session of the Majlisi Namoyandagon of the fourth convocation presided over by its head, Shukurjon Zuhurov, was held on May 22. Speaking at the session, the Prosecutor-General Sherkhon Salimzoda noted that the...

23.05.2013 - 13:39

Representatives of Mass Media, UN and even the mother of Hamza Ikromzoda were rejected to be present at the trial over the death of a prisoner, which began on May in the Ismoili Somoni district court The presiding judge Rustam Mirzayev informed “Ozodagon” that the journalists and UN staff must obtain permission from the Ministry of Justice of Tajikistan, while the Main Directorate for...

16.05.2013 - 10:35

Two participants of last year’s clash in Khorog, the capital of the Gorno Badakhshan Autonomous Region (GBAO) have got long jail terms. On Friday May 10, the Supreme Court sentenced two participants of the last year’s clash in Khorog – Dimon Ashourov and Sherik Karamkhudoyev – to 12 and 14 years in prison respectively. The sentence followed their conviction on charges of illegal possessing...

10.05.2013 - 15:59
