Article Pages

"The Civil Society Coalition Against Torture and Illegitimacy in the Republic of Tajikistan expresses its concern over the dispersal by the police of the participants of the Third Annual Exhibition of International Education dedicated to the Year of Youth in the Republic of Tajikistan initiated by “Multikid” educational agency. "Students and their parents who came to the exhibition from all...

05.04.2017 - 13:40

A border guard officer has got a lengthy jail term for extortion and abuse of power.   The Dushanbe military court sentenced Yoribek Saidov, the commander of platoon at military unit 2747 of Border Troops of the State Committee for National Security (SCNS), to nine years in prison on March 28.  The sentence followed his conviction on charges of extortion (Article 250 of Tajikistan...

29.03.2017 - 11:18

Deputy Prime Minister, Azim Ibrohim, on March 17 held a meeting to discuss issues related to organization of the spring conscription campaign.   Speaking at the meeting, deputy prime minister urged heads of military registration and enlistment offices to put an end to the raids on conscripts, a source in the Tajik government told Asia-Plus in an interview.    Ibrohim...

18.03.2017 - 22:27

A Roudaki police officer accused of sexually assaulting a woman while on duty has been fired.  However, criminal proceedings have not been instituted against him.       Last summer, a 25-year-old woman from Dushanbe, let us call her Malika, filed a complaint, saying that a Roudaki police officer sexually assaulted her at the police station.   The report was...

11.01.2017 - 14:38

The 25-year old taxi driver Shamsiddin Zaydulloev was detained in April 2015 on suspicion in drug trafficking. Few days later he died at the temporary detention of the Drug Control Agency. His relatives assured that his death was caused by beatings and torture. According to the victim’s mother Tojiniso Karimova, her son worked as a taxi driver.  On 8 April 2015, approximately at 18:00,...

09.12.2016 - 09:47

It was a hot morning of June. Dilorom, accompanied by her little daughter, went to the market to buy groceries for a dinner she hosted that day. They had relatives to come on and she tried to make sure that she is not missing anything from the grocery list she made in a rush. After all, hosts in the East are very generous. On the way home, she bought some medicines for the middle son, a...

08.12.2016 - 09:50

He is luckier than others – despite the humiliation and serious injury he received in the army, he survived. Although he is now chained to the bed and relatives are allowed to roll Shahbol just for two hours a day in a wheelchair, he's alive! Despite the disability and miserable, degrading disability benefits, he's alive! And he hopes for the best, making progress during the daily trainings,...

07.12.2016 - 11:00

The death of a young man in the custody of Vahdat police station allegedly at the result of torture was broadly discussed in public. This case received a lot of attention from both local and foreign media which called the 23-year-old Umar Bobojonov the victim of a covert campaign against wearing a beard. However, even after almost a year the perpetrators haven’t been established yet. The 66-...

06.12.2016 - 09:32

Parviz had only 2 months left before the completion of his service. However, instead well- matured son, his mother received his body for burial. The 18-year-old Parviz Dustmatov graduated with honors from high school in his native Jamoat Khistevarz, Bobodzhon Gafurov district of Sughd region and dreamt about the Police Academy.  The boy was short heighted and was missing only centimeters to...

05.12.2016 - 08:45

This woman is wearing mourning dress for a year, since she buried her eldest son, though every morning she is expecting the gates open and he is entering, so handsome and young, saying: “Mom, I'm back!”. Sometimes in her dreams, he says the same words: "I came back, here I am!", and she hugs and kisses him, feeling the warmth of his hands, and once awaking she realizes that it was just a dream....

03.12.2016 - 08:47
